Female macroptera. Body and legs brown, all tarsi and apices of tibiae yellow; antennal segment I brown, II dark brown, III–V yellow with base and apex weakly shaded, VI–VIII light brown; fore wings weakly shaded. Antennae 8-segmented; sensorium simple on III, forked on IV. Head with anterior part of vertex slightly swollen, fore ocellus reduced; ocellar setae pairs I–II close together, pair III between posterior ocelli; eyes large, cheeks straight. Pronotum trapezoidal, weakly sculptured around margins, setae small but posteromarginal pair S8 at least twice as long as pair I. Mesonotum weakly reticulate, median pair of setae distant from posterior margin. Metascutum with irregular longitudinal reticulation, median setae arise at anterior margin, no campaniform sensilla. Mesothoracic sternopleural sutures apparently complete at anterior margin; furca with weak spinula. Fore wing first vein with 7 basal and 2 distal setae, second vein with 5 setae; clavus with 5 veinal setae. Abdominal tergite I reticulate, with no craspedum; tergites II–VIII with little sculpture medially, broad posteromarginal craspedum entire or slightly dentate; campaniform sensilla twice their diameter from posterior margin; tergite IX marginal setae long and slender. Sternites without craspeda, marginal setae arise at margin, 4–10 discal setae in irregular transverse row medially.
Male not known.
The genus Ozanaphothrips comprises six species, all from Australia. Although O. thulius is very similar to O. perotis and O. fenarius in many character states, including the form of the head and pronotum, the metascutal sculpture and the position of the sternal marginal setae are very different.
Known only from Australia.
Northern Territory.
Feeding on leaves.
Grasses (Poaceae).
Ozanaphothrips thulius Mound & Masumoto
Mound LA & Masumoto M. 2009. Australian Thripinae of the Anaphothrips genus-group (Thysanoptera), with three new genera and thirty-three new species. Zootaxa 2042: 1-76.http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/2009/f/zt02042p076.pdf