
Thysanoptera in Australia

Recognition data

Distinguishing features

Male macroptera. Body and legs brown, tarsi and antennal segment III paler brown; fore wings light brown but paler at base. Antennae 8-segmented; segment I with paired dorso-apical setae; segments III–IV with apex forming short neck, forked sensorium short; V with oval sensorium base, VI with sensorium base expanded. Head wider than long; 3 pairs of ocellar setae present; pair III anterior to hind ocelli, about as long as side of ocellar triangle; postocular setae small, close to posterior margin of eyes. Pronotum with almost no sculpture and few discal setae, 1 pair of long posteroangular setae; posterior margin with 4 pairs of setae. Fore tibia with two recurved tubercles at apex, ventrally and laterally. Metanotum reticulate, campaniform sensilla present; median setae arise at anterior margin. Mesofurca with spinula. Fore wing first vein with almost complete row of setae; clavus with 5 veinal setae and one discal seta. Tergites with transverse sculpture lines medially; VIII with group of irregular microtrichia anterior to spiracle, posteromarginal comb represented by a few microtrichia laterally; tergite IX with pair of short stout processes and lateral to these a stout seta. Sternites without discal setae or pore plates, posterior margins of VI–VII with no lobe medially.

Female not known.

Related and similar species

Odontothripiella is an Australian genus that currently includes 18 described species, with several more undescribed species also known. The genus shares many character states withMegalurothrips, in particular the presence of a pair of small setae dorsally at the apical margin of the first antennal segment. O. innominata is known only from two males, and these have a pair of short stout setae lateral to the paired processes on the ninth tergite.

Distribution data

General distribution

Known only from Australia.

Australian distribution

New South Wales.

Biological data

Life History

Feeding and breeding in flowers.

Host plants

Probably some species of Fabaceae

Taxonomic data

Current valid name

Odontothripiella innominata Pitkin

Original name and synonyms

  • Odontothripiella innominata Pitkin, 1972: 281


Pitkin BR. 1972. A revision of the Australian genus Odontothripiella Bagnall, with descriptions of fourteen new species (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 11: 265-289.

Oz thrips taxa