Female macroptera. Body and legs yellow with light brown markings on pterothorax, and laterally on abdominal segments II–VI; antennal segment I white, II and V–IX dark brown, III–IV light brown; fore wing weakly shaded medially. Head wider than long, slightly produced at anterior over antennal segment I; area behind eyes with transverse reticulation, ocellar triangle with weak reticulation; eyes with 6 weakly pigmented facets; ocellar setae III close together within triangle. Antennae 9-segmented, III–IV sensorium forked; II with some short microtrichia near apex; VI not pedicellate. Pronotum almost without sculpture, with no long setae. Metascutum weakly and irregularly reticulate, median setae arise almost medially, campaniform sensilla present; metascutellum reticulate. Fore wing veinal setae short; first vein with about 6 setae near base, 2 setae distally; second vein with about 8 setae; clavus with 6–7 veinal setae plus one seta at base. Abdominal tergites with weak transverse reticulation medially; VI–VII setae S3 similar in size to S4; VIII with no posteromarginal comb, spiracular area occupying more than half of tergal lateral margin; tergite X short.
Female aptera. Similar to macroptera; antennal segment II without microtrichia; ocelli absent or weakly developed; ocellar setae III sometimes more widely apart; mesonotum and metascutum transverse.
Male aptera. Similar to female; tergite IX with 2 pairs of short stout setae medially; sternites III–VII medially with small oval pore plate.
Larva II. Major setae with broadly expanded, fringed apices; tergite IX without either posteromarginal coloured band or teeth, tergite X with dark posteromarginal band.
There are 43 species of Anaphothrips known from Australia, out of a total of 79 species worldwide (Mound & Masumoto, 2009). Many of these species have the antennae clearly 9-segmented, others clearly have only 8 segments, but several species have an intermediate condition with segment VI bearing a partial and often oblique transverse suture. The pronotal setae are short, and the forewing clavus has no discal seta. Females of A. cucurbiti have a very large spiracular area laterally on tergite VIII.
Known only from Australia.
New South Wales and Victoria.
Feeding and breeding on young leaves.
Bursaria spinosa (Pittosporaceae).
Anaphothrips cucurbiti Pitkin
Mound LA & Masumoto M. 2009. Australian Thripinae of the Anaphothrips genus-group (Thysanoptera), with three new genera and thirty-three new species. Zootaxa 2042: 1-76.http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/2009/f/zt02042p076.pdf