Female fully winged. Body almost white, anterior margin of head brown; forewings pale with clavus shaded and two shaded transverse bands; antennal segments VI–VII sharply brown. Head with anterior margin recessed; ocellar setae minute, pair III arise between posterior ocelli. Antennae 7-segmented; segments III–IV with simple sensorium, segment VI broad at base. Pronotum with weak transverse lines; 4 pairs of posteromarginal setae, posteroangular pair twice as long as posteromarginals. Metanotum with elongate reticulation, median pair of setae far behind anterior margin. Fore wing with veinal setae minute, cilia arising ventrally but close to anterior margin. Tergites with fine sculpture lines within main reticulations; median pair of tergal setae small; tergite IX large with apical major setae short and arising from pair of small tubercles, tergite X with no longitudinal split.
The genus Edissa includes only 2 species, the other species being known from South Africa and Sudan. The genus is unusual among the Dendrothripinae because, although the metathorax and hind coxae are similar to those of Dendrothrips species, the tergal median setae are small and wide apart, and the forewing cilia arise ventrally but close to the anterior margin. The genus shares these character states with the species of Asprothrips, in which the ninth abdominal tergite also bears a pair of tubercles on the posterior margin.
Australia and/or S.E. Asia
North-eastern Queensland, Australia. Very similar specimens have been seen from Thailand and also from southern Japan.
Presumably breeding on leaves
Taken from unidentified species of grasses
Edissa steinerae Mound