
Thysanoptera in Australia

Recognition data

Distinguishing features

Female macroptera. Body brown but abdomen sometimes much paler, tarsi and antennal segment II yellow; fore wings light brown. Antennae 8-segmented, II prolonged externally with apical sensorium; III–IV with sensorium simple. Head prolonged in front of eyes, vertex with 5–8 pairs of setae. Pronotum strongly trapezoidal, 2 pairs of posteroangular setae slightly longer than posteromarginals. Fore coxae enlarged and transverse; fore femora swollen; fore tibia not extending laterally along external margin of fore tarsus. Meso and metafurca weakly developed; meta pre-episternum reduced to small triangle; meso and metathoracic sterna with many setae. Fore wing slender and acute at apex, first vein with 3 setae on distal half, second vein with 3–4 widely spaced setae. Tergites with weak lines of sculpture medially, II–V without tubercles on antecostal ridge, I–VIII with small craspedum. Ovipositor weakly developed, without strong teeth. Sternites II- IV with transverse lines of sculpture.

Male not known in Australia.

Related and similar species

Arorathrips is one of six genera created by Bhatti (1990) for some of the species treated by zur Strassen (1960) in the genus Chirothrips. Rather more than 12 species, all from the New World are considered to belong in the genus Arorathrips, but not all of these have the fore tibia prolonged around the fore tarsus as in A. mexicanus. However, all of them have the pterothoracic furcae very weakly developed without prominent lateral flanges, and the mesothoracic furcal pits wide apart.

Distribution data

General distribution

USA, Mexico, Hawaii, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Australia.

Australian distribution


Biological data

Life history

Breeding and pupating within individual florets of Poaceae.

Host plants

Various Poaceae species.

Taxonomic data

Current valid name

Arorathrips spiniceps (Hood)

Original name and synonyms

  • Chirothrips spiniceps Hood, 1915: 12
  • Chirothrips sacchari Moulton, 1936: 181


Mound LA & Palmer JM. 1972. Grass-flower infesting thrips of the genus Chirothrips Haliday in Australia. Journal of the Australian entomological Society 11: 332-339.

Oz thrips taxa