Macropterous, strongly bicoloured, mainly brown with anterior margin of pronotum yellow, also all tarsi yellow and tibiae extensively yellow; abdominal segments III–VI yellowish brown with dark antecostal ridge; fore wing with three dark and three pale bands, apex pale. Head with occipital ridge not close to eyes; ocellar triangle with irregular reticulation; ocellar setae III on anterior margins of triangle; three pairs of postocular setae, median pair long and arising laterally. Pronotal sculpture mainly transverse, blotch deeply emarginate posteriorly. Metanotal sculpture linear on posterior half. Tergites II–VI with no marginal comb medially. Sternites fully covered with microtrichia, posterior margins with groups of long microtrichia between bases of marginal setae.
Male with pore plate on sternite VII only.
This species differs from the Australian native species of Neohydatothrips in having the occipital ridge on the head well separated from the posterior margins of the compound eyes.
Recorded from Mexico, El Salvador, California, Florida, Hawaii, Japan, Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Kenya, and eastern Australia
Tagetes species (Asteraceae)
Feeding and breeding on leaves and in flowers
Neohydatothrips samayunkur Kudo