Female macropterous; body and legs brown, tibiae and tarsi yellow, also antennal segments III–V; fore wing with prominent reticulate pattern, dark brown area where first vein fuses to costa, both veins bearing a few long setae. Antennae 7-segmented, III and IV with simple sensorium. Head constricted at basal neck, dorsal setae broad but translucent. Pronotum with one pair of prominent posteroangular setae, also one pair of anteromarginals and one pair of posteromarginals, these setae flattened with prominent rhachis, as are major setae on fore wing. Metanotal median setae near posterior margin. Tergites and sternites with broad craspedum; tergites with no sculpture medially, median setae minute. Male tergite IX with no strong setae; sternites IV or V–VII with large pore plate.
Only one species is known in this genus, and the broad reticulate forewings with broadly flattened setae are unique amongst Thripidae.
Widespread around world, and in temperate countries common on plants in domestic environments. The area of origin is not known, but is equally likely to have been Africa or Australia.
Many different plant species, particularly Kentia palms, but other records include plants as diverse as Ficus species (Moraceae) and Emilia sonchifolia (Asteraceae), also the fern Adiantum formosum.
Adults and larvae usually on mature leaves rather than young leaves
Parthenothrips dracaenae (Heeger)