Female macropterous; body dark brown; all tarsi and bases and apices of tibiae yellow; antennal segment II dark brown, III and IV yellow with apical half light brown, V yellow with apical half brown; fore wing brown, with two white cross bands, at base and sub-apically, apex dark. Head not constricted at base. Antennae 8-segmented, III and IV with forked sensorium, VIII less than twice as long as VII. Pronotum reticulate, many markings within each reticle, no long setae. Metanotum irregularly reticulate, one pair of major setae close to anterior margin. Tarsi elongate but 1-segmented; hind coxae with coiled internal apodeme. Fore wing second vein with five to seven setae; costal cilia shorter than costal setae. Tergite lateral thirds with almost equiangular reticulation and many markings within the reticles; VIII with craspedum medially, tooth-like microtrichia laterally; median split on X about half as long as tergite.
Male tergite IX with three pairs of stout setae medially, median pair thorn-like; sternites III-VII with small transverse pore plate.
Caliothrips is a genus of 20 species. Most of these are from the New World, with ten in North or Meso-America and three from Carribean Islands. Four species are from Africa and three from Asia, and two species extend into Australia. C. fasciatus is from California and, when taken in quarantine in Australia, can be recognised by the sculpture on the abdominal tergites.
Western USA; apparently also established in China, (quarantine interceptions in Australia and New Zealand)
Known as the bean thrips, this is particularly associated with Fabaceae species
Reputed to breed on leaves of various bean plants; adults sometimes hide inside the navels of oranges, and then cause quarantine problems with fruit imported from California into Australia and New Zealand.
Caliothrips fasciatus (Pergande)